August 17, 2015

Lagos Comic Con 2015

Lagos Comic Con, Africa’s first and only comic convention is set to host the crème de la crème of the creative and entertainment industry at this year’s edition. The event has grown from just an industry event to one that accommodates all things creative in Visual arts, animation, gaming, technology, music and film.

The event in its forth edition promises to grow bigger every year with greater participation of brands and enthusiasts from home and abroad. The event bounces back BIGGER and BET­TER with the theme “Inte­grat­ing Cre­ative Cul­tures”.

The goal of this years event is to help bring a link between comics and other gen­res of enter­tain­ment like gam­ing, ani­ma­tion, film and tech­nol­ogy.This year once again hopes to pack more fun and the very best of Niger­ian comics, graphic nov­els, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies, and tele­vi­sion to the pub­lic like never before.

Our sched­uled pan­els, Cos­tume con­tests, Sem­i­nars, Dis­cus­sions and auto­graph ses­sions give fans a chance to inter­act with their favorite cre­ators and actors. Our screen­ing rooms fea­ture sneak peeks at films and tele­vi­sion shows still in pro­duc­tions as we hear from pro­ducer and direc­tor of such work. 
Lagos Comic Con is a mar­ket place, bring­ing together the major play­ers in the comics and enter­tain­ment indus­try. See you at LAGOS COMIC CON 2015.

DATE: 18TH — 19TH, Sep­tem­ber 2015. 
TIME: 10am.