July 02, 2013
Fztvseries has been shutdown
Many of you may be asking questions like what's wrong with fztvseries?,what's happening? , Why is the website down? or when will it open again?
It is with great sadness that i announce the passing of Fztveries.mobi it was a great companion supplying us with all the latest series, shows, cartoons, animes and documentaries as they are being released.
This sad event occurred few hours ago 02/07/2013.The site is stopped due to complaint by FACT UK.The Federation Against Copyright Theft is the UK’s leading trade organisation established to protect and represent the interests of its members’ Intellectual Property are responsible for shutting down Fztvseries.They are accusing fztvseries of online piracy and are threatening to sue. It had no choice but to close down.
Goodbye Fztveries no other site will serve me like you did ,thank you.
Still waiting for more information on what the site owner plan to do with all the files on their server.
click this link if you are Looking for an alternative to fztvseries.